
Worship is our way of connecting with God – encountering his incredible, unconditional love and grace that transforms us into people who live and love like Jesus.

Through worship we open our hearts to receive God’s love, we experience the Spirit moving deep within our souls, and we join in celebration of a new life that Jesus offers to those who dare to follow him.

Child care is available.

Join us at 10am for worship in the sanctuary or on Zoom. Contact the office for the Zoom link.

Virtual Worship

If you prefer to join the Zoom virtual service on Sunday mornings, please contact the church office for information on gaining access.

We also have YouTube and Facebook options.

Other Groups

Bible Study

Bible Study meets at 10:00am
on Wednesday mornings in Room 3

The group studies either a specific subject or book in the Bible


Communion is typically celebrated the first Sunday of each month.

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